Ad-Smart is a highly targeted inexpensive way of advertising on the MetroFi WiFi Mesh Network. Delivering content directly to users in specific geographic locations.
Your advertisement is regularly presented to anyone using the Metrofi FREE hotspots.
You can target one or more Access Points which cover a radius of approximately 300m. This means that customers are exposed to your advertising exactly when and where you want them to be.
MetroFi Access points are distributed over large areas of Durban (see map) and users who opt to browse free of charge are forced to view your advertisements on a regular basis as they trawl the internet seeking products and services just like yours.
Ad-Smart advertisements cost just a few cents per view giving you targeted exposure to a lucrative audience at a very affordable cost.
And Ad-Smart keeps detailed track of exactly when and where and by whom your adverts have been viewed giving you unprecedented feedback on how well your advertising is performing.
You can also make use of our unique features such as automated special offers and our APP delivery platform.